Basic rules for dealing with this website
This website is an offer from Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. We look forward to your comments and contributions to the discussions. Welthungerhilfe’s Internet editors thereby attach great importance to a friendly and comprehensible conversational tone, which is why we ask that you adhere to the following basic rules:
1. Remain factual in the discussion. Offensive, discriminatory, sexist or racist comments are not tolerable.
2. Different opinions are welcome. Therefore, please also accept the opinions of the other discussion participants. Do not attack other users and remain objective.
3. When composing your comment, pay attention to the general laws and legislation (copyright, illegal downloads etc.). Private, personal data such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or postal addresses do not belong in the comments.
4. In your contribution, you are welcome to suggest other thematically appropriate websites. Please make sure that the content published on them does not violate the criminal law. The use of the website as an advertising platform for websites, products and services is forbidden.
5. Calls for demonstrations or announcements of any kind of political movements are not permitted.
Last but not least:
6. It is very important for us that all contributors maintain respective contact not only with each other but also with the blog operator.
7. Please bear in mind: you are communicating with human beings, not with a machine. Therefore, treat all parties concerned as you yourself wish to be treated.
We reserve the right to delete or edit contributions which violate the netiquette. Repeated violation of these rules will lead to the blocking of your IP address. Every user assumes the responsibility for their publicised contributions.